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Hair Care Tips for Hijabis: Maintaining Healthy, Beautiful Hair

Ever wondered what challenges top the list for women who wear the hijab? Well, one common issue stands out: hair fall!

Studies indicate that about 34.6% of Muslim women who wear the hijab experience hair loss, often attributing it to their head covering.

The constant wrapping of the hijab can suffocate your hair, leading to various hair problems. But that shouldn’t stop you from embracing your modesty!

In this blog, we’ll dive into the world of hair issues related to wearing hijabs and explore some practical tips to keep your hair healthy and strong.

Hair Problems Faced By Hijabis

Hijabis, or women who wear the hijab, face a unique set of challenges when it comes to hair care. While the hijab is a symbol of modesty and faith for many, it can also lead to various hair problems if not managed properly.

In this section, we will explore some common hair issues faced by hijabis, including hair loss, dandruff, oily scalp, broken and damaged hair, smelly hair, and hair lice.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is a significant concern for hijabis, as constant pulling and tugging from wearing tight hijabs or pins can lead to traction alopecia. This condition occurs when the hair follicles are repeatedly stressed, resulting in weakened hair shafts and eventual hair loss.

The tightness of the hijab, especially if worn for extended periods, can restrict blood flow to the scalp, further exacerbating hair loss.

In addition to that, the friction between the fabric of the hijab and the hair can contribute to breakage and thinning.


Dandruff is another common issue faced by hijabis, particularly those who wear hijabs made of synthetic materials or do not wash their hair frequently.

The lack of ventilation under the hijab creates a warm and humid environment, which is conducive to the growth of Malassezia, a fungus responsible for dandruff. The accumulation of dead skin cells and oil on the scalp can exacerbate dandruff, leading to itching, flaking, and discomfort.

Oily Scalp

Many hijabis struggle with oily scalps due to the lack of air circulation and increased sweat production underneath the hijab.

The trapped heat and moisture create an ideal environment for the overproduction of sebum, the natural oil produced by the scalp. As a result, hijabis may experience greasy hair and scalp, which can lead to clogged pores, acne, and an unpleasant odor.

Broken and Damaged Hair

Constant friction and pressure from wearing the hijab can cause mechanical damage to the hair shaft, leading to breakage and split ends.

Hijabis who wear tight or heavy hijabs may experience more severe damage as the weight of the fabric pulls on the hair follicles. Also, improper tying techniques or harsh hair accessories can further damage hair, leaving the hair dry, brittle, and prone to breakage.

Smelly Hair

The lack of ventilation under the hijab can also result in smelly hair, especially if proper hygiene practices are not followed. Sweat, oil, and dead skin cells accumulate on the scalp, providing an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which can cause an unpleasant odor.

Hijabis may also encounter difficulties in keeping their hair fresh and clean, leading to self-consciousness and discomfort.

Hair Lice

One of the most dreaded hair problems faced by hijabis is the presence of hair lice. Lice infestations can occur when hijabs are shared or come into contact with contaminated surfaces.

The warmth and humidity under the hijab provide a conducive environment for lice to thrive, leading to itching, irritation, and embarrassment.

Hair Care Tips for Hijabis

Taking care of your hair while wearing a hijab is essential to maintain healthy and beautiful hair. Despite the challenges posed by wearing a hijab, there are several simple yet effective hair care tips that hijabis can follow to ensure optimal hair health.

In this section, we will discuss each tip thoroughly, emphasizing its importance and the potential benefits it offers.

1- Wash Your Hair Every 3-4 Days

It’s crucial to wash your hair regularly to remove sweat, oil, and dirt buildup from the scalp and hair strands. Washing your hair every 3-4 days helps maintain scalp hygiene and prevents dandruff and unpleasant odors.

Moreover, lean hair is less prone to breakage and damage, ensuring healthier and more manageable hair over time.

2- Dry Your Hair Completely Before Tying

Allowing your hair to dry completely before tying it up helps prevent moisture-related issues such as fungal infections and foul odors.

Wet or damp hair is more fragile and prone to breakage, especially when tied tightly under a hijab. By ensuring your hair is fully dry before styling, you can minimize the risk of hair damage and maintain its strength and integrity.

3- Don’t Tie Your Hair Too Tight

Avoid tying your hair too tightly under the hijab, as this can lead to traction alopecia and hair breakage. Tight hairstyles put excessive pressure on the hair follicles, leading to hair loss and thinning over time.

Opt for loose and gentle hairstyles that provide coverage without causing undue stress on the scalp and hair strands.

4- Open Your Hair When You Get Time

Whenever possible, take breaks from wearing the hijab to allow your hair to breathe and receive sunlight and air circulation.

Opening your hair periodically helps prevent scalp issues such as oiliness and odor buildup. It also gives your hair a chance to relax and recover from being constantly covered, promoting better blood circulation and overall hair health.

5- Nourish Your Scalp

Nourishing your scalp is crucial for maintaining healthy hair growth and preventing scalp-related problems. Use a nourishing hair oil or scalp treatment regularly to moisturize and nourish the scalp, promoting optimal hair growth and preventing dryness and flakiness.

Massaging the scalp with oil also improves blood circulation, leading to healthier and stronger hair follicles.

6- Use Serums to Mend Hair Breakage

Serums are effective for repairing damaged hair and preventing further breakage. Choose a quality hair serum enriched with vitamins and proteins to nourish and strengthen the hair shaft.

Apply the serum to the lengths and ends of your hair, focusing on areas prone to breakage and split ends. Regular use of hair serums can help restore shine and vitality to your hair, making it more resilient to damage.

7- Forget the Under-Scarf

If you’re used to wearing tight under-scarves or inner hijab caps, consider letting go of them.

Tight under-scarves can damage your hair over time, leading to headaches and discomfort. Opt for hijab styles and fabrics that don’t require an inner scarf, allowing your hair to breathe freely and reducing the risk of damage.

8- Get a Hair Massage Every Now and Then

Hair massages are not only relaxing but also beneficial for scalp health and hair growth. Regular scalp massages stimulate blood circulation, which delivers essential nutrients to the hair follicles and promotes healthy hair growth.

Schedule a hair massage session periodically to relieve tension, improve scalp health, and rejuvenate your hair.

9- Opt For Loosely Wrapped Hairstyles and Breathable Scarves

Choose hijab styles that are loosely wrapped and allow for adequate air circulation around the scalp. Avoid tight or heavy fabrics that can trap heat and moisture, leading to scalp issues such as oiliness and sweat buildup.

Opt for lightweight and breathable scarves made of natural fabrics like cotton or silk to minimize friction and irritation on the hair and scalp.

10- Embrace Vitamin D

The significance of Vitamin D cannot be overstated. Numerous studies have highlighted lower levels of Vitamin D among hijab-wearers.

As Muslim women, opportunities to expose our heads to sunlight are often limited. Yet, basking in sunlight offers a crucial benefit: the natural synthesis of Vitamin D in our bodies. If you have access to a sunroom or private garden, take advantage of these moments to let down your hair and absorb the sun’s energy.

Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in various bodily functions, including bolstering the immune system. Therefore, prioritizing sunlight exposure whenever possible is paramount for overall well-being.

Best Ways to Tie Your Hijab for Healthy Hair

Maintaining healthy hair while wearing a hijab is crucial for hijabis. Choosing the right hijab style can significantly impact the health and condition of your hair.

Here are some versatile hijab styles designed with loose wrapping in mind to promote healthier hair:

1- The Classic Wrap

The classic wrap is beloved for its simplicity and versatility, making it perfect for daily wear. To achieve this style:

  • Place the hijab on your head, ensuring one end is slightly longer.
  • Wrap the longer side around your face, leaving the shorter end loose.
  • Secure with pins, and you’re ready to go!

This style keeps the hijab loosely wrapped around the head, allowing for airflow and minimizing friction against the hair, promoting healthier strands.

2- The Pinless Hijab

The pinless hijab style offers a chic and effortless look without the need for hijab pins. Here’s how to achieve it:

  • Place the hijab on your head, with both ends equal in length.
  • Wrap one end around your neck, leaving it at the back.
  • Knot the second end with the first at the back of your neck, or bring it to the front.

This style ensures minimal tension on the hair, reducing the risk of breakage and hair loss associated with tightly pinned hijabs.

3- The Usual

The usual hijab style adds volume and elegance without the need for extra accessories, making it ideal for professional settings. Here’s how to create this look:

  • Place the hijab on your head, leaving one side longer.
  • Secure under your chin with a safety pin.
  • Wrap the shorter side around your head with pins.
  • Use the longer side to wrap around your face, leaving it loose.

By keeping the hijab loosely wrapped and avoiding tight pinning, this style helps maintain hair health while exuding professionalism.

4- The Turban Wrap

The turban wrap offers a modern and sophisticated look, perfect for corporate meetings or formal occasions. Here’s how to achieve it:

  • Put the hijab on your head, securing it behind your neck.
  • Carefully wrap one end around your head and secure it.
  • Repeat with the other end, or tuck them into your scarf for a pin-free option.

This style keeps the hijab loosely wrapped around the head, preventing unnecessary tension on the hair while maintaining a polished appearance.

5- The Top Knot

The top knot hijab style adds a stylish twist to formal events, showcasing embroidered necklines or accessories. Here’s how to create this look:

  • Frame the scarf on your head, wrapping both ends at the back.
  • Bring both ends to the top of your head, tying them in a knot.
  • Use hijab pins to secure the knot and create volume.

Tying the hijab loosely at the top of the head prevents pulling and tension on the hair while adding flair to your look.

6- The Tucked-In

The tucked-in hijab style is perfect for casual outings with friends or professional settings. Here’s how to achieve it:

  • Fold a square scarf into a triangular shape and place it on your head.
  • Secure it under your chin with a pin.
  • Wrap both ends tightly over each other around the neck and secure.

Hairstyles for Healthy Hair Under the Hijab

Selecting the right hairstyle to wear under your hijab is crucial for maintaining the health and vitality of your hair. Here, we explore several versatile options and provide detailed instructions for creating each style:

1- Ponytail

The ponytail is a classic and practical choice that complements any hijab style. This simple yet versatile hairstyle can be achieved in a few easy steps:

  • Gather your hair into a high ponytail, ensuring it sits comfortably at the crown of your head.
  • Secure the ponytail with a hair tie, making sure it’s tight enough to hold but not too tight to cause tension in your hair.
  • Adjust the height and volume of the ponytail according to your preference, whether you prefer a sleek or more voluminous look.

2- Braid

Braids offer both style and functionality, making them an excellent option for wearing under your hijab. Here’s how to create a basic braid

  • Divide your hair into three equal sections, ensuring they are smooth and free from tangles.
  • Cross the right section over the middle section, then repeat with the left section.
  • Continue crossing the sections over each other until you reach the end of your hair.
  • Secure the braid with a hair tie or bobby pins, ensuring it stays in place throughout the day.

3- French Braid

For a more intricate look, consider the French braid, which adds elegance and sophistication to your hairstyle. Follow these steps to create a French braid:

  • Begin by dividing your hair into three equal sections at the crown of your head.
  • Cross the right section over the middle section, then cross the left section over the new middle section.
  • Continue adding hair from the sides to each section as you braid, ensuring a tight and uniform look.
  • Continue braiding until you reach the nape of your neck, then secure the braid with a hair tie or bobby pins.

4- Low Bun

The low bun offers a polished and refined look that works well with any hijab style. Follow these steps to create a simple yet elegant low bun:

  • Start by gathering your hair into a low ponytail at the nape of your neck.
  • Twist the ponytail around itself to form a bun, tucking the ends under and securing them with bobby pins.
  • Adjust the bun as needed to ensure it sits flat against your head and looks neat and tidy.

5- High Bun

For a more formal and sophisticated look, opt for a high bun, which adds height and volume to your hijab style. Here’s how to create a high bun:

  • Begin by gathering your hair into a high ponytail at the crown of your head.
  • Twist the ponytail tightly and wrap it around itself to form a bun, securing it in place with bobby pins.
  • Adjust the bun to your desired height and shape, ensuring it sits securely on top of your head.

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